Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Argument Against Idiots: Scare Tactics

Glen Beck's
The Argument Against Idiots: Scare Tactics

The issue:

'Scare Tactics'

What the liberal whiners say:

'You must be very frustrated that none of your scare tactics in this campaign have worked?'

'You mean like nationalizing the banks? You don't have THAT to worry about do you, George Bush has already done it!'

'And you don't have to worry about Barack suspending habeas corpus, George Bush already did that, too!'

'Not to mention wiretapping! Bush is wiretapping Americans and trampling all over the Constitution, taking away our freedoms!'

'Barack Obama will bring back our rights and freedoms as Americans!'

Your winning, logical, reasoned arguments

1. Well, we haven't USED scare tactics, all we've done, is to desperately try to point out the actual concerns we have about Barack Obama. For instance, that Obama wants the government involved in everything we do...that's just not the way America works.

2. And we were absolutely opposed to it. We've been consistently anti-socialism. That doesn't mean I'm OK with Barack Obama making the situation far WORSE.

3. OK, President Bush suspended habeas corpus for ENEMY COMBATANTS! As Abraham LINCOLN did during the Civil War, and as we did again for a short time in WWII with what they called, "unlawful combatant saboteurs". It was suspended only for the terrorists at Gitmo Bay in Cuba. Bush did NOT suspend habeas for U.S. citizens. And by the way, the Supreme Court overturned it this summer anyway, so you don't even have that to whine about anymore.

4. Name one conversation you've had, while the government listened ONE freedom you've been denied under George W. Bush. ONE.

5. Really? Well let's see. Obama has already promised a weird, 250,000 person "civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as our military...isn't that a TAD creepy...even Third Reich-ish? He has started "truth squads" to find and prosecute people responsible for negative ads he doesn't like...his campaign has black-listed media outlets who asked questions he didn't like...he sent the secret service to investigate a Lufkin, Texas woman who answered an Obama phone survey in a way he didn't appreciate...he has already PROMISED to crush the 1st Amendment rights of talk radio stations and their hosts...and he even said in a 2001 interview that it was tragic that the Earl Warren Supreme Court didn't "break free from the essential constraints set by the Founding Fathers and the Constitution." And all of this...even BEFORE he's been elected. Isn't any of that just a little frightening to you?

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