Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama supporters

I don't understand people who are backing Obama. Obama has been shown to stand for socialism, Marxism, and Communisim. He doesn't stand for christian values, which is what this country was founded on. Obama and his wife are the ones who brought up the racist issue. Obama has even flipped off his opponent Hilary Clinton on national television. Obama wants to cut funding for our soldiers, the ones that are dedicating their lives to keep this country free. We owe our soldiers our respect and honor for giving their lives for our country and our freedom.

Obama says he is a christian, he believes in abortion. Obama believes that botched abortions and the baby is alive should be left to die. That is murder! If Obama is a christian then how can he stand for murder. The sixth commandment states simply in plain and direct words, "Thou shall not kill" It does not say thou shall not kill if.... Obama says he's a christian yet he stands for the things that Gods word says are a sin. What happened to Soddom and Gamorah? Why did God destroy Soddom and Gamorah?

Obama himself has stated he believes in socialism. Obama's wife stated when asked if she was worried about her husband being assasinated, "He's a black man and a black man can be shot pumping gas". Hey! Mrs. Obama, A white man or woman, a Native American, A mexican, ANYONE can be assasinated pumping gas at the gas station. What does being "black" have to do with it? Obama brought up the racist issue in his acceptance speech, no one else did. He's using this as a "card", "If I don't get elected it's because I'm a "black" man." That's ridiculous.

Clinton herself, stated that Obama was lieing. He states that he stands for issues that he is the only one that voted against it when everyone else voted for it! Obama changes his stand, which he really doesn't stand firmly on anything, to whatever he thinks will get him votes. Read! Read the transcripts rather than "listen" or "watch" and then you find the holes in everything he doesn't really say!

This country is founded on our Constitutional rights. Obama wants to take away our fundamental rights to bear arms. He wants to take away our second constitutional right. This county has been based on our constitutional rights. What stops him from changing the rest of them, or even obolishing them altogether?

Obama has had affiliations with Avery, a known terrorist. He denies it once it becomes public. Obama has been supported by terrorist over seas, yet he denies it once it's public. Obama has been funded by these same over seas terrorist. Obama is supported by ACORN who has fraudulently registered voters to sway his winning, ACORN has also supported closely Obama. Oh! Obama once again, like he denies his pastor of 20 years, that he doesn't have any affiliation with them. Lies! Obama is at that church every service listening to a cult leader.

Why and how can anyone support and back Obama. He is a liar, a socialist, someone who wants to make a "change" by taking away our constitutional rights and turn America into Soddom and Gomorrah. He claims to be a Christian! Those are not the Christian beliefs this country was founded on.

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